Saturday, May 3, 2008

In Celebration of New Life

On Friday afternoon the butterflies in Liz's classroom hatched. Robert and I helped Liz release them outside, to protect them from classroom predators (students!). The butterfly pavilion is a big bag in which the caterpillars (painted lady variety in this case) cocoon and hatch.

Robert named some of them as they were released. This one was Lily.And this one was Twinlily, who just sat there and had to be picked up and tossed before she/he would fly.
No, this is not a school lunch. The seven white shells are what remains of the chrysalises which have hatched already, and the two dark green ones have yet to hatch:
Friday night at 7, the American Cancer Society's local Relay for Life started. Maybe 500 people were in attendance when we went, but it felt like the whole town was there. It went on all night but we left at about 10.
At our feet is a luminarium which we purchased in memory of my brother Norman who we lost a little over seven years ago.
This is the same stadium that once hosted the famous frog. Have a great weekend!


jel said...


hope all is going good!

have a great day!

David Kirk said...

jel: Thanks and same to you!

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