Friday, August 17, 2007

Eternity, Space, and Other Fun Stuff

As I said, I'm writing an article about my mother, and it's taking an

eternity. When I was little, the concept of eternity would sometimes cause me to lose sleep. Not that I was afraid of eternal punishment, mind you, I was afraid of the idea of life without an end. I just couldn't "wrap my mind around" the idea of eternal life. I still can't, but I guess I don't think about it as much or as vividly as I did then. Or maybe my imagination was better then. Or my faith. It was a disturbing obsession to me, like thinking about how often your eyes blink. I can't explain it any better than that. Forever used to be a frightening concept to me. Did anybody else ever feel that way, or was it just me?

Here's a cool UFO video you can watch while you're contemplating all this.

Oh, and here's a Trekkie alert!


Monalea said...

When I was a kid and Christmas and my birthday seemed to be an eternity in coming, I couldn't even grasp it. As an adult with life experience under my belt, and with a different prospective, I see things through different eyes. Reading God's Word has helped me change my prospective.

Does this makes sense or am I rambling?


Monalea said...

P.S. I love being the first to comment.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

I don't get out much.


David Kirk said...

You make perfect sense. Did you notice the sitemeter? Turns out I have fans in Belgium and the United Kingdom! On this blog, it is somewhat easy to be the first to comment...

Monalea said...

I do enjoy your blog. I wish Daryl read blogs, he would enjoy yours. Don't be offended because he don't check out your blog, he don't look at mine either.


Anonymous said...

My advice: Every day, once a day, give yourself a present. Don't plan it. Don't wait for it. Just let it happen. It could be a new shirt at the men's store, a catnap in your office chair, or two cups of good, hot black coffee.

Monalea said...

Anonymous, I love you advice. I'm going to institue it into my daily life.


David Kirk said...

Anonymous: What was that about catnip?

Monalea: Thanks for reading!

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